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arch backdrop ripple plinth hire dried floral arrangement

Introducing our brand new Package!


'The Ripple Effect'


1 x Arch Backdrop - Nude

1 x Ripple Plinth - Nude

1 x Floor Standing Floral Arrangement (as pictured)

1 x Custom Name decal on arch

1 x Rattan Round Rug




T&Cs apply - Enquire Now!


*choice of adding Arch floral arrangement (as pictured)

for an additional $120



Introducing Package 2!


'We can Bearly wait!'


1 x Arch Backdrop - Nude

1 x Ripple Plinth - Nude

1 x Floor Standing Floral Arrangement (as pictured)

1 x 'we can Bearly wait' decal (as pictured)

1 x Rattan Round Rug

1 x 100cm Benjamin Brown Bear


pricing starts from $380


T&Cs apply - Enquire Now!


*balloon garland not included

*add the second smaller nude arch for $120

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Package 3!


Pregnancy Package


1 x Arch Backdrop

1 x Ripple Plinth

1 x Floor Standing Floral Arrangement (as pictured)

1 x Pregnant Lady decal

1 x Rattan Round Rug


pricing starts from $380


T&Cs apply - Enquire Now!


*balloon garland not included

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Package #4

Safari / Wild One


Choose between our LUSH Greenery Wall

or any of our Arch Backdrops


Brown Wooden Rustic Table

or Plinths


1 x MATTE Black 30cm Cake Stand

2 x MATTE Black 25cm Dessert Stands

2 x Tree Log Dessert Stands


2 x White Rustic Crates

1 x Rustic Wheel

1 x Safari Netting

2 x Large Trees

2 x Small Plants

2 x Grass Mats

Lots of Greenery


3 x Animals of your choice from the following options:

1 x Small Tiger Cub

1 x Small Gorilla

1 x Large Giraffe

1 x Large Elephant

1 x Large Lion

1 x Large Tiger

1 x Large Gorilla



Packages start from $600

*T&Cs apply *Delivery fees additional

Enquire now for a custom package to suit you

and your budget.



Mix and Match

With all of our packages, don't feel obligated to go with what we've included. Remember, it's your event and if there is a package in this list that you are interested in but want to change something let us know. 

Example: You're interested in Package #3 but instead of our White Round Plinths, you want our Gold Stands - no problem at all, we can swap them around for you! We can also do up a customised package to suit you and your budget. 

Get in touch with us today to see how we can help bring your event to life! 

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